Inspired by…Fitzgerald.

As many of you have probably seen or heard, The Great Gatsby has been recreated and reentered theaters. This was very exciting to me because it happens to be one of my favorite books for its effortlessly poetic prose. So in honor of this, a few words from Fitzgerald.

If I were you, engaged and waiting on a wedding, I would want to just float around on my own little cloud of sweet daydreams. Unfortunately, that is not always possible, but I am offering you that cloud right now… “I love her, and that is the beginning and end of everything.” 

Please, go ahead and be swept off your feet by that poetic cloud of romance. What I am trying to say is there is no better time to enjoy being in love. So do not let this phase slip away in a stressful frenzy.

One more thing. “They slipped briskly into a love from which they never recovered.” My hope is that all of you never fully recover.

Happy Thursday.

Newport Wedding Glam Gatsby Newport Wedding Glam Gatsby Emily

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